A One-Stop Caption Shop

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just go online, order captions/subtitles for your videos, pay for the service and have the finished product delivered to the intended recipient? We asked ourselves the same question and then we set out to not only find answers, but also provide a simple, yet effective, solution. Welcome to your one-stop web shop for all things closed-captioning & subtitling!

You Asked, We Listened

As a producer, media professional or executive, you might find the whole process of captioning a tad confusing. Not to worry, that’s where we come in. We don’t expect you to have in-depth knowledge of what goes on behind the scenes in order to procure our services (though we’re happy to give you a primer if it peaks your interest). Spotcaption.com was designed to provide an end-to-end web-based solution for ordering closed-captioning/subtitling services and while we’re happy to answer your questions, we’ve endeavored to provide all the information you need to make an informed decision right here, right now.

Our Pricing

If you’ve ever had the 'big boys' caption spots for you, then you know some providers charge as much as $200 for a single spot! Here at SpotCaption, we offer fair and competitive pricing with no gotchas. At no point will you have to wonder how much your invoice will be, because, as you place your order, our digital register will update in realtime. You can even view a detailed itemization of your invoice before you submit your order. When it comes to pricing, we believe in full transparency.

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