Advantages of Captions

The Benefits of Closed Captioning

Closed captioning is beneficial to numerous audiences, for varied reasons. From increasing accessibility and improving literacy & comprehension, to enabling people to watch videos in noisy spaces, it's always a wise decision when you choose to caption your videos. SpotCaption and MediaCaption are here to help.

Aiding the Hard of Hearing

The deaf and those that hard of hearing are often the first group of people that come to mind when considering the benefits from closed captioning. And with thirteen percent of the U.S. population falling into this group, failure to caption could mean more than 38 million people are missing out on your message.

Improving Literacy

Closed captioning has been found to boost literacy and language learning in children, those with learning disabilities and non-native English speakers. In fact, it’s been documented that word recognition, comprehension and retention of concepts increase considerably when videos are captioned.

Watching Videos in Loud Environments

With closed captioning and subtitling, you can reach viewers in places where the noise level is usually to high for auditory comprehension. Thus, restaurants, bars, transit stations, gyms, common rooms (and those that frequent them) are no longer inhibited by their inherent noisiness when it comes to enjoying television or film.

Keeping Compliant

While the law varies by situation, typically, videos over a certain length are required to include captions to maintain accessibility for those with hearing problems. Captioning, therefore, isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s the law. Stay compliant and add value to your marketing efforts by captioning your videos.

Contact SpotCaption Today

If you’re interested in learning more about how we can help you reap the many benefits of closed-captioning and subtitling, reach out to us today at (913) 229-5959. And if you’re ready to submit your project for captioning, subtitling, encoding or conversion, just go ahead and place an order.

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